What is a PSL?
Why Should I Fix My PSL?
Compliance Certificate
Buying/Selling Property
Changing Water Meter Size
Enforcement Notice
Exemption Certificate
Time Extension Certificate
$4,500 Refund
Guidelines and Resources
Pautas para Contratistas
Voluntary Compliance

Reschedule Inspection
Cancel Inspection

Check Compliance Status
Compliance Certificate
Exemption Certificate
Time Extension Certificate

New - Sign up on ebmud.com/psl to be added to the EBMUD PSL Program Contractor List.
Visit ebmud.com/psl for updates to the PSL Program.

Protecting Our San Francisco Bay

PSL Program Map In 2009, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the California Regional Water Quality Control Board ordered the East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD), six East Bay cities and one sewer district to fix old, cracked sanitary sewer pipes. Many pipes are in need of repair to prevent the infiltration of rainwater, which can overwhelm wastewater pipes and treatment facilities and cause partially treated wastewater to be released into the Bay. The EPA's mandate compelled EBMUD and its partners to phase in a Regional Private Sewer Lateral (PSL) Ordinance beginning in 2011. Affected property owners must obtain a certificate from EBMUD certifying that all of their PSLs are leak-free. Property owners may also voluntarily choose to have their laterals tested and certified.

Affected Areas

Use the map (right) as a guide to determine if your property is covered by the Regional PSL Ordinance. Only EBMUD wastewater customers in the green shaded areas are affected.

The Ordinance is in effect in the following locations:

Note: The city of Berkeley is operating its own separate program. If your property is in Berkeley, please contact them to determine your requirements. http://www.cityofberkeley.info/psl/

PSL Program Fee Changes

New PSL Program Fees were adopted by the EBMUD Board of Directors on June 11, 2024 and will be effective on July 01, 2024. Please find more information here.

Program Start Dates

The Regional PSL Program start dates are listed below. The program is effective for escrows and building and remodeling permits opened on or after the program start date in each community or when a request is made to change the size of a water meter.

Location Start Date
Alameda January 1, 2015
Albany January 1, 2015
Emeryville and Piedmont August 22, 2011
Oakland January 16, 2012
Stege Sanitary District October 17, 2011
 (serving El Cerrito, Kensington, and Richmond Annex) 

Regional PSL Ordinance Triggers

The Regional PSL Ordinance applies ONLY if you are buying or selling a property, building or remodeling in excess of $100,000, or changing the size of your water meter. Additionally, you may voluntarily have your PSL certified to be in compliance with the Regional PSL Ordinance when you are having work performed on the lateral without meeting any of the triggers.

Buying/Selling a PropertyBuilding/RemodelingChanging Meter Size

PSL Exemptions from the Ordinance Triggers

If a parcel was issued a valid and un-expired certificate similar to a Compliance Certificate from the City of Alameda or Albany that indicates that all PSLs associated with the parcel met applicable standards at the time the certificate was issued, it may be eligible for an Exemption Certificate. Exemption Certificates issued for parcels in this category will expire on the same expiration date as the certificate that was originally issued by the permitting agency. Other grounds for exemptions include having a septic system, a fully pressurized lateral, a title transfer type that is not subject to the Regional PSL Ordinance, and no lateral connected to the public sanitary sewer system. Follow the Guidelines for Exemption to obtain an Exemption Certificate for your property.

Complying with the Regional PSL Ordinance

To receive a Compliance Certificate for your property demonstrating that all of the PSLs located on the property are without leaks and have proper connections, proceed to the guidelines and select the condition that applies to you.

Generally, to receive a Compliance Certificate, the following steps will be taken:

Disclaimer: EBMUD issues compliance certificates solely on the basis of the performance of the tested sewer lateral in a verification test performed in the presence of EBMUD personnel. The verification test is designed for the sole purpose of determining whether the tested portion of a sewer lateral is free from leaks at the time the test is performed. By issuing this certificate, EBMUD warrants only that the tested portion of the sewer lateral passed a verification test on the date indicated. EBMUD makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee as to the sewer lateral's existing or future condition or its compliance with the legal standards of any other jurisdiction, including building or construction standards without limitation. EBMUD expressly disclaims any and all warranties, both express and implied, as to the sewer lateral's condition or compliance with legal standards and shall bear no liability in connection therewith.